

类型: 海外




  The story begins in 1996 when Colonel Sodhi, now 70, visits his sister and her family. However, even after over half a century, the nightmares of his intense battle and its aftermath often return to haunt him. Old Sodhi and young Amar begin to bond and Sodhi accompanies Amar to Burma (Myanmar) for an assignment from BBC to shoot a documentary on the students against the Military Junta for freedom and democracy. In Singapore, Sodhi visits the places which bring back the memories of him as a Lieutenant in the British Indian Army Lt. Sodhi meets a beautiful photographer Maya who inspires him to change. Sodhi falls in love with Maya who joins the Indian National Army. Old Sodhi lands in Burma with Amar, and is welcomed by an Indian girl Rani. They accidentally get caught in the student protest and firing by the Military Junta to suppress the student agitation. When the soldiers of the Military Junta get rough and violent with Amar and Rani, old Sodhi is suddenly transformed into the young Lt.Sodhi and kills the two Burmese soldiers to defend his group.Old Sodhi and his group's escape from the Burmese soldiers runs parallel to the attack by the British bombers on Lt.Sodhi's unit. In 1944, the Indian National Army, tired, hungry, cold, feverish, sick had reached Imphal to defend it against all the odds piled heavily against them. In a school set up by Rani's grandmother, Old Sodhi finds the photograph of Maya and realizes that Maya has been dead. Old Sodhi, finally redeems himself by helping his young group safely cross over from Burma into India, and keep his promise to Maya that he would one day return to Burma to find her and be with her when his body is blown by the Burmese soldiers to ashes and glory.


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    黑色孤儿 第二季
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    简介:  在第一季中,“黑色孤儿”Sarah在目击一次自杀时,偶然知道了自己的真实身份——她是一项前无古人的遗传学实验的成果,世界上还有很多和她一样的人。第二季,Sarah开始在一场绝命比赛中寻找失踪的女儿Kira。她的“焦土战术”引发了与支持克隆人的Rachel之间的对抗,这对所有和她一样的人来讲岌岌可危。一个精心打造的世界即将失控,Cosima的遗传病威胁着所有人。Sarah必须在极其危险的环境中与她的敌人谈判,以追查实验室的真相。随着Sarah更加了解自己的过去,新的神秘人出现了,但他们可以彼此信任吗?这个世界上,有无情的新玩家,正在争夺Sarah的命运操控权。
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    黑色孤儿 第三季
    2015 欧美
    简介:  好不容易聚在一起的克隆人姐妹面临新的威胁。  正当Sarah和同伴们开始拼凑阴暗的Dyad研究所背后的复杂阴谋时,她们发现了“Castor计划”。这是一个绝密军事项目,正在制造训练有素的男性克隆人。在无情的Coady 博士的监视下,“Castor计划”的克隆人每一个都是专注且致命的士兵。但是,是谁创造了他们,更重要的是,为什么目的而创造? Sarah的乌克兰双胞胎Helena在Castor牢房中苦苦挣扎,感觉自己被刚刚和解的家人抛弃。与此同时,Alison开始了一项利润丰厚但却险恶的新业务,而Cosima发现了合成序列的关键,可以让所有人都得救……
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    2016 欧美
    简介:  随着上一季的结束,Castor克隆人不再构成威胁,克隆人姐妹们的生活似乎可以回归平静,但孕育于过往的险境出现了:一个名为Neolution的组织一直在牵动Leda、Castor、Dyad 和 Topside的命运。在离开冰岛安全屋后,Sarah遇到了神秘的新盟友,而这个人与这一切的开端有着密不可分的联系——Beth Childs。在黑客 Dizzy 的帮助下,Sarah不得不跟随 Beth的脚步,慢慢走向强大的新敌人。Sarah的家人安全受到威胁,她承受着巨大的压力,与此同时,克隆人姐妹们正在被分开推往不同的方向。为了在这次考验中幸存下来,她们必须比此前任何时候都更团结一致。
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    2017 欧美
    简介:  Neolution组织正在将科学的界限推往遥远未知的边界,但其代价会是什么呢?神秘人P T Westmorland是这一切的关键,可能已经170 岁的他即将将他的项目带入险恶的结局。对于Sarah和她的姐妹们来说,这是一场毁灭的开始,并且不仅仅是对她们,而是针对整个人类的未来。她们最终能否揭开这个毒瘤的核心秘密?
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